CHCP steam pipes

Facilities Maintenance and Engineering

Facilities Maintenance and Engineering (FM&E) coordinates and performs building maintenance and repairs in the areas of Building Automation Systems, Carpentry, Electrical, HVAC, Lock Services, Masonry, Plumbing, and General Repairs.  All Service Requests are managed through the Facilities Customer Service Center and the Maximo Maintenance Management System.

Facilities Customer Service Center

The Facilities Customer Service Center (FCSC) is our customers’ primary point of contact for all service requests and general inquiries.  It is staffed Monday – Friday 7:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.  Our Call Center picks up all calls after hours, including weekends.

Phone: 973-655-5444

Please direct emergency calls to University Police 973-655-5222

University Facilities managers and administrative staff are available during regular University business hours Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Contact information is available in our Staff Directory.  A Manager On-Call List is maintained to ensure service delivery to the campus after hours and on weekends.

Submit a Service Request

Maintenance Reporting Procedures for Students, Faculty, Staff, Contractors and Visitors

You must have a valid University NetID to use Maximo.  Customers without a NetID, please call the FCSC at 973-655-5444.

How to Enter Service Requests in the Maximo Maintenance Management System

How We Work: Prioritization Procedures

We accept maintenance inquiries via telephone, e-mail, or Maximo.  Upon receipt, FCSC staff assess service requests and convert them to Work Orders, which are then assigned to the appropriate division work unit.  FCSC staff apprise requestors of lengthy repair timelines and delays in scheduled work. Please contact the FCSC for updates about individual service requests.

Work Orders are dispatched according to Priority Levels.  We prioritize schedules to respond first to requests for:

1.  Emergency
2.  Urgent, and
3.  Rush work

Emergency work requests are processed immediately and assigned to the appropriate work unit for response and resolution to assist in protecting life safety and the campus infrastructure.

FM&E: Our Shops

Contact Facilities Maintenance and Engineering
147 Clove Road